Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Ok, so today's word is actually two words. Simple Pleasures. The little things in life that bring us so much happiness, often without us even realizing it.

Today consisted of sleeping in (a premium for the insomniac), a yummy and satisfying breakfast made by yours truly and enjoyed by all who partook, finding discount DVDs of movies we've really been wanting to pick up, a snack of hard salami, varied cheeses and butter crackers, listening to the hockey game from the other room and getting ready to plan tomorrow's family photographic excursion. No fireworks, no bells, no whistles... just the mundane - and the joy I derive from them.

In my opinion, the "simple pleasures" often out perform the biggies... they occur more frequently - albeit, generally with less fanfare and acknowledgment. They rarely make your heart trip and skip like an unexpected proposal or some desperately wanted, unexpected gift. Instead, they feed the soul's "blood sugar" and keep our emotional health on target.

Silly things... we decided to drop the top on Bubbles (my '92 VW Cabriolet) tonight. A passerby said "nice night for the top down," and my response was, "it's not raining." We got a smile from a lady passer-by by who found a moment's joy in our unexpected display, and two pre-tween girls gigged and told their mother they wished they would ride with the top down tonight.

So for that 7ish miles from the store to our home, outside of town, we hunkered down in our heavy winter coats, cranked up the heat pointed at our feet and listened to uplifting classical, smooth jazz and gut-wrenching blues on the short, cold ride home.

The stars were magnificent.

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